Deccan Rummy has officially announced the launch of its upgraded website recently, designed to offer gamers a richer and pleasant gaming experience. The new upgrade includes additional gaming features, rich animations, which could create an overall more immersive gaming experience. The upgraded website has been in testing for some time to check for possible bugs and other errors.
The upgrade is the first major improvement to Deccan Rummy website since a year after its launch. The upgraded site is also mobile responsive, meaning those who are browsing on mobile devices can easily read the content, tap to view video, or swipe to scroll instead of click. The new website upgrade has been done to enhance the customer experience and expand their reach.
The revamped website has comprehensive information about the rummy game i.e. rules, how to play rummy and other products & services available with Deccan Rummy. Improved aesthetics, easy navigation and crystal clear images are some of the salient features detectable in the upgrade.
Deccan Rewards is a new feature implemented in the website. Badges and View Tickets are the two features available at present under Deccan Rewards. Players can view this feature after they login to their accounts.
Badges are rewards for the players. At present, we have launched Spinning Wheel Bonus which is available for the cash rummy players. You can spin the wheel and earn a surprise bonus. Spinning wheel is only available to players who play cash tables starting from Rs. 10 and higher.
View Tickets
Tickets are used for entry to special tournaments. Rummy tickets would be issued for a number of your activities inside our side like Depositing, winning, and sharing our social media posts. There is also a provision to buy tournament tickets in this feature. In View tickets option, there is a button through which you can buy tickets for tournament.
ThamaraiKannan, Head of Operations, Deccan Games Pvt Ltd said “ We have always wanted to upgrade our website for some time now as we felt rummy game players prefer the website to be more colourful. So, we came up with an idea to improve the existing website. With the kind of talent and planning we had, it wasn’t so difficult to get it done. We were able to release the upgrade much earlier to the tentative date fixed for its launch already”. He added “Now we present to you – our upgraded Deccan Rummy website - designed to provide easy navigation, better aesthetics, and most importantly mobile friendly mode. We are always striving to achieve excellence and are open to constant innovation and this upgrade stands as a testament to it”.We have also hosted multiple tournaments with trips to exotic places for our winners across the globe.Our Recent trip was that to Phuket,Thailand for our Phuket gala tourney .
Rummy Players can check the upgraded website in and enjoy their favourite game of Rummy in any devices across any Platform available including mobile,laptops, PC and much more.